The problem of the safety of files and prompt, unhindered access to them is successfully solved by modern cloud technologies. Today there are a lot of storages that simplify the work of users with file arrays. If you are a client of several of them at once, then for the convenience of work you should Download Air Explorer Pro torrent - a program designed for efficient management of files located in cloud storage:
- Google Drive
- Yandex.Disk;
- Magenta;
- Dropbox;
- OneDrive
- Mega etc.
Key Features of Air Explorer Pro
Before Download Air Explorer Pro torrent, you should carefully study the basic functionality of the program. In addition to management capabilities, the software provides:
- encryption of files when uploading to the cloud;
- formation of several accounts of one user;
- synchronization of folders according to the scheme computer-cloud, cloud1-cloud2, etc .;
- increasing the volume of ROM based on the merger of all cloud storages in which your data is stored;
- cross-cloud use of copy-paste function;
- pause injection regulation;
- file exchange via Air Explorer;
- global search for necessary files in all storages;
- Support for Drag'n'Drop function between cloud and computer.
After the next update, the software received a number of additional features. For a number of browsers, the download speed has been increased, problems and errors have been fixed, and language firmware has been updated.
Repacking Features
Installation and unpacking of the compact version of PortableApps are combined in one distribution kit. The program has a multilingual interface, including Russian, does not require registration. If necessary, you can connect the check for updates. After "silent installation", the software supports user settings recorded in external * .xml files. The program works with all versions of Windows 32/64-bit from XP to 10. You should also know that the program behaves incorrectly in the Windows XP 2.x shell.
On our website you have the opportunity to quickly and safely download Air Explorer Pro torrent to organize convenient and efficient work with cloud services. Use the capabilities of our torrent portal, and your computer will become even more productive and secure.