The indie game, which has gained cult status in the eyes of video game fans around the world, first appeared in 2009 and began its official journey to the heart of audiences in 2011. Since then and to this day, this game is gaining more and more fans, reaching a cult status in their midst. And the developers regularly release updates that introduce new interesting moves into the game and correct the discovered shortcomings. The new version of the game was no exception. Minecraft 1.16.1, download which is offered on our website.
Download Minecraft 1.16.1 - it means to become part of a changeable universe
The world that the game offers us can be built by the participants themselves. It is represented by special XNUMXD objects called blocks. Blocks, in turn, are classified according to their characteristics, they can have different textures, and they can also differ in the physics of behavior. So, blocks can represent pieces of earth, stones, lava, wood, etc.
In the course of the game, you need to constantly mine blocks, including by trading with various characters, and then use them to build a variety of objects. Thus, the player independently designs and modifies the world around him, creating various structures. The ability to create complex circuits in the game allows programmers and engineers to use it as a virtual constructor.
Having decided download Minecraft 1.16.1, the gamer gets three game modes to choose from. In the "survival" mode, the player will have to independently extract all the resources. In contrast, the "creativity" mode provides the ability to immediately use resources in unlimited quantities, and taking damage for the character is disabled.
What changes await the player who wanted to download Minecraft 1.16.1
In this update, a player who wants to download Minecraft 1.16.1, will find correction of a number of shortcomings. They mainly relate to interaction with Realms - a technology that allows a development company to act as a hoster of servers provided to users for a fee. In particular, the problems with gravity were fixed, including when hitting the water, the animation of the character when playing from the third person was fixed, and also attention was paid to other shortcomings. It only remains to note that, as before, the creators of the game are trying to make it as comfortable as possible for all fans.