СGMiner download

CGMiner console client for mining. Designed for an experienced user, supports overclocking the video card and many settings for pools and other things, allows you to get more MH / S value on the CryptoNight algorithm than other programs.

CGMiner - a program that is rightfully considered one of the most efficient GPU miners. It uses a special NeoScrypt algorithm that helps to significantly increase the volume of mined cryptocurrency.

The most serious disadvantage CGMiner it is the absence of a graphical shell. Yes, before us, a console miner, which will not be easy for beginners to configure. All the data for connecting to the pool, as well as the load level and other production parameters, will have to be written manually in the configuration file.

The features of CGMiner include:

  • overclocking of the video card is possible;
  • works through a proxy server;
  • uses balancing algorithms;
  • it is possible to adjust the power of the cooler;
  • mining of Bitcoin, Ethereum and others is possible;
  • disables idle workers.

Miner CGMiner is focused on working with video cards from AMD. Since he does not know how to extract currency using CUDA technology. If you own a PC or farm with NVIDIA video cards, then it is more advisable to use Phoenix miner.

Of the interesting features of this program, it is worth noting the presence of tools for overclocking the GPU and even for controlling the rotational speed of coolers. It is recommended to use them very carefully.

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