Watch Dogs: Legion download torrent

Watch Dogs: Legion sends us to the streets of London. Not calm in the capital of the kingdom. As a hacker, you can do a lot. Watchdogs - Legion became the third part of the series and greatly expands the set of capabilities and abilities of your character. This is the complete edition. Choose for which of the inhabitants of the city you will play, it is worth paying attention that everyone has a certain and unique set of skills and abilities.

Hackers can do incredible things from a distance! Connect to bots, hack drones, act covertly in an attempt to achieve your goals. WD Legion will provide a decent toolkit of skills and capabilities. Free life on the streets of the metropolis is possible only outside the law.

The plot was based on the struggle between computer specialists and totalitarian power. Try to act in this confrontation as a worthy opponent. The latest achievements of science, biotechnology, special knowledge are being used. Gather your own team, there are several character classes. As a strategist, you will be able to distribute responsibilities as competently as possible. Play with friends online to have a great time and experience quite a few impressive events and adventures.

Game info

Year: 2020
Developer: Ubisoft toronto
Version: 1.5.6 Full (Last)
Interface language: English, Russian
Tablet: Present

Minimum system requirements

Operating system: Windows 10 (64bit)
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 4Gb
Video card: GTX 960
Hard Drive Memory: 111Gb

The hacked version only supports DirectX 12.

If the video card is overclocked, there is a high probability of accidental crashes.

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